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5 febrer 2010 |
Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine |
Asturiol Bofill, David
5 febrer 2010 |
Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine |
Asturiol Bofill, David
Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine |
Asturiol Bofill, David
2008 |
Intramolecular basis set superposition error effects on the planarity of benzene and other aromatic molecules: A solution to the problem |
Asturiol Bofill, David
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Salvador Sedano, Pedro
Intramolecular basis set superposition error effects on the planarity of benzene and other aromatic molecules: A solution to the problem |
Asturiol Bofill, David
; Duran i Portas, Miquel
; Salvador Sedano, Pedro